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Accessories for men

Your guide to everything

Since the dawn of civilization, men have worn accessories - from Viking brooches to Egyptian signet rings to Polynesian pearl bracelets. Clothes were a necessity, but accessories have always been about expression.

They’re also the longest-surviving remnants of who ancient people were. When archaeologists uncover the ruins of towns, what do they find apart from pottery and foundations? When nothing remains of the people who lived there — their clothes and bodies consumed by the earth — how do we know who they were?

By their accessories. Did they wear gold or silver? What symbols were edged into their items? How detailed were their designs? The answers tell us not only about them but about how far their sphere of influence reached and with whom they traded. Accessories let you tell your story, even across millennia.

1 Accessories for men1.1 What are accessories for men?1.2 What areas of men's accessories do we cover?1.3 Types of accessories1.4 Frequently asked questions1.5 Top 5 men’s accessory trends of 20221.6 Luxury men’s accessories1.7 Unique men's accessories1.8 Statement accessories1.9 Affordable men's accessories1.10 Colored accessories1.11 Accessories for older men1.12 Men's travel accessories1.13 Personalized accessories1.14 Wedding accessories for the groom1.15 Top men's accessories1.16 Accessories for suits1.17 Accessories for your holiday1.18 Accessories for the beach1.19 You asked, we answered

What are accessories for men?

The history of men’s accessories is an interesting one. What are now thought of as “women’s items” were, in many cases, invented by and developed for men. High heels were worn by Persian cavalry in the 15th century to better secure their feet in stirrups. European aristocracy later used them to appear taller and more majestic. Makeup, rouge, and those enormous white wigs were mostly the domain of European men. Fashion ebbs and flows between what are considered traditional masculine and feminine traits, and as societal norms become increasingly blurry, style follows suit.

Style is a force of nature, and like a stampede, no individual can change its course through sheer force of will. It’s guided by the collective will and interest of the individuals forming the group. Some may try to force style in a certain direction, but this mysterious cultural force ends up deciding if they’re revolutionary trailblazers or… eccentrics.

What areas of men's accessories do we cover?

We design and sell everything a man needs to look good, except clothes and toiletries.

The list of accessory types includes, in alphabetical order, bags, beard care items, belts, bow ties, bracelets, clear lens glasses, cufflinks, earrings, gloves, hats, lapel pins, necklaces, neckties, pocket squares, rings, scarves, shaving products, sunglasses, suspenders, tie clips, wallets, and watches.

With over 6500 items available, we’re sure you’ll find something to your liking here.

Types of Accessories


Bags provide a convenient way to carry several smaller items around. Some, like laptop or toiletry bags, have a single main purpose while others, like backpacks and duffle bags, are all-purpose workhorses.

Bags come in a variety of materials, each of which has its pros and cons. Leather communicates luxury, canvas ruggedness, cotton sustainability, and polyester adventurousness. What do yours say?

See our range of bags

Shaving and Beard Care

A good shave separates the men from the boys. Or does a good shave turn men into boys? The answer depends on how much growth the man you ask is sprouting on his face. Beard care and shaving items are essential to modern men. There’s no more ‘pro’ way of keeping your face clean-shaven than a straight razor sharpened on a leather strop scraping away the classic shaving soap you whipped up in your shaving bowl and applied with your ebony-handled badger-hair brush.

Safety razors are less likely to leave you bleeding and are cheaper to maintain than cartridge razors. Should you be the type of guy who lets it grow wild, beard brushes and combs, conditioners, oils, shampoos, and waxes will keep yours looking sharp. ’Cause the difference between a well-kept beard and an unkempt mess is care.

See our range of beard care and shaving items


Belts are straps of leather or canvas intended to be threaded through the loops on your jeans or dress pants to keep them up. But they do more than just keep your pants up. Their color enhances highlights in your ensemble and accessories, and the metal buckle can complement your watch, rings, and necklaces.

If it’s a leather belt, it should always match your other leather items (shoes and bags, for example), and if it’s canvas, it should complement the other colours of your outfit.

See our range of belts

Bow ties

Bow ties are straps of fabric that go under your shirt collar and are tied in a bow at the front, covering your top button. Did you know there’s such a thing as a wooden bow tie? They’re super fun and will make you stand out from the crowd at your next formal gathering.

If you’re not into making too much of a splash, bow ties also come in cotton, silk, and polyester (among others) and a variety of colours. You just have to ask yourself: Pre-tied or classic? And do I get a matching cummerbund?

See our range of bow ties


Bracelets are jewelry wrapped around your wrist for decorative or expressive purposes. Most often these are metal chains, leather cuffs, strings of beads, or gotten weaves or braids. For added style, these should match and complement your other accessories - especially your watch.

The vast majority of us use hand gestures when we talk, making our hands and wrists part of the communicative process. Make sure your wrists are telling your story when you do.

See our range of bracelets


Suspenders are flat elastic bands that attach to the back and front of your pants and go over your shoulders to keep your pants up. An alternative to belts and should never be worn at the same time. The only statement you’d be making is: “I don’t know what one of these is for.”

Suspenders are attached to your pants either with buttons on the inside of the waistband or clipped directly onto it. Make sure your pants have buttons for attaching suspenders before you get those, or you know someone who can sew buttons on your pants. If you can do it yourself… kudos!

See our range of suspenders

Clear lens glasses

Clear lens glasses are frames with glass that is not tinted, offers no magnification, and provides no corrective lensing. They’re worn purely for aesthetic purposes or, if you need an excuse for wanting to look good, for “safety.” Some men simply look better with glasses on. Some men may want to project an air of intellect and find that’s best accomplished by wearing glasses, despite being cursed with 20/20 vision.

There’s no denying that wearing glasses alters people’s immediate impression of you, and it’s up to you to define what impression you want to evoke. It sure beats walking around with a degree stapled to your forehead.

See our range of clear lens glasses


Cufflinks are made to pass through the buttonholes on dress shirts and secure the fold around your wrist, preventing the cuff from sliding over your hand.

Cufflinks are made to pass through the buttonholes on dress shirts and secure the fold around your wrist, preventing the cuff from sliding over your hand. Cufflinks come in all shapes and sizes, and if you’re wearing a tie clip, rings, and other accessories, you’ll want to match your cufflinks to those. If you’re going to a carpenter’s graduation party, however, you might consider spirit level cufflinks. There’s no end to the creativity you can express with cufflinks.

See our range of cufflinks


Hoops and stud earrings are made to pass through a small pierced hole in your ear (or another body part). In the case of hoops, the stud goes into a hole on the opposite side of the ring, completing the circle. In the case of studs, a small lock is slid up onto the post, securing the earring in place. Magnetic and clip-on earrings attach to your earlobe through magnetism and clamping force, respectively. Great alternatives to piercing if you’re not too keen on needles.

On the other end of the spectrum, you have stretchers, plugs, and gauges, all of which are designed to stretch your earlobe to accommodate ever-larger jewelry. We have a decent selection of faux plugs in case you want to give that look a try without the commitment.

See our range of earrings


Gloves are thin layers of cloth or leather worn on the hands to protect them from cold. Usually made of cotton, wool, or leather, gloves come in several varieties - from warm and cosy touchscreen-compatible cotton gloves made of recycled materials to genuine, high-quality sheepskin driving gloves.

We all need gloves to shield our hands from the cold. When we don’t, our skin gets dry, starts chipping, and we get those annoying micro-cuts between our fingers.

See our range of gloves


Hats are apparel worn on your head to protect it from cold in the winter and the sun’s harmful rays in the summer, and to ensure you look good even when having a bad hair day. Common wisdom tells us we lose 80% of our body heat from our heads. While this is a great sales pitch for hats, it’s also demonstrably wrong.

When it’s cold, we lose heat from whatever part of us is uncovered, which often happens to be our heads. Hats are usually made of cotton, wool, felt, or leather, and they carry the strongest style when paired with matching gloves and a scarf.

See our range of hats

Lapel Pins

Lapel pins are sharp metal pins intended to decorate the lapel of a suit jacket or blazer. Most blazers and jackets have a buttonhole on the upper left lapel. This used to be for closing the upper part of the jacket over your chest to keep warm, and inside of the fold on the right side lay a hidden button.

Over the years, the button has disappeared, leaving the hole on the left side with only one purpose: a holder for lapel pins. Lapel pins pass through the buttonhole (or the fabric if your jacket doesn’t have one) and add a splash of color or an eye-catching glare to your look.

See our range of lapel pins


Necklaces are pieces of jewelry that hang around your neck, suspended on your chest. These are most often made of metal, leather, or cotton and some carry pendants, which are decorative elements that pull the necklace down, forming a V-shaped angle at the center of your chest. Pendants come in all shapes and sizes, from natural stones to metal plates called dog tags to working clocks and beyond.

A necklace is centered on your body and arguably carries the strongest part of your story. It hangs at your core and has all of you as its frame. Make sure your necklace is saying what you want it to.

See our range of necklaces

Pocket Squares

Pocket squares are square pieces of cloth intended to decorate the breast pocket of a suit or blazer. These are usually made of polyester, silk, or cotton, and come in a variety of colours and patterns, and can be folded into myriad shapes.

Matching your pocket square with your tie, bowtie, cravat, or ascot and making sure these complement the color scheme of your ensemble is what creates next-level style. Folding one into an origami dragon is boss-level epic.

See our range of pocket squares


Neckties are thin strips of cloth (usually silk, polyester, or cotton) intended to go around your neck under your shirt collar and hang down your front, hiding your shirt’s buttons. A tie should complement your suit and only carry texture if your shirt has none.

Matching tie and pocket squares are always a good move. For more tips on choosing a tie, its length, and more, check out our ultimate guide to neckties and learn how to tie your favorite knot in our "How to tie a tie: 30 different necktie knots" guide

See our range of neckties


Round bands of various metals and other materials worn on your fingers for decorative or expressive purposes. Most rings are made of stainless steel, titanium, gold, or silver, but others such as ceramic or silicone are gaining popularity.

Ceramic and silicone rings are particularly useful for people who work with or in close proximity to electricity, as these are non-conductive. Silicone rings are also strong enough and elastic enough to be worn at the gym, should you wish to carry your message all the way to the squat rack.

See our range of rings


Scarves are long strips of cloth for wrapping around your neck to keep warm. A tube scarf is a closed cylindrical tube intended to be pulled over your head for the same purpose. Whichever you choose, a scarf beats hugging your ears with your shoulders for warmth.


Sunglasses consist of coloured lenses held on metal or plastic frames and mounted in front of your eyes to give comfort on sunny days. They also allow for better vision in strong light and add several factors of smoothness to your style. Besides, with a pair of shades, no one can see what you’re staring at.

Tie Clips

Tie clips (or tie bars) are pieces of metal intended to keep your tie centered on your shirt and keep the thin end securely hidden behind the forward-facing thick end of your tie. If you ever get the urge to wear your tie around your head, attach the tie clip to your upper lip to remind yourself that it’s a bad idea.

See our range of tie clips

Wallets and Card Holders

Wallets store your cards, IDs, bill, and coins in one convenient place. Card holders are specifically designed to hold cards only and some come with RFID protection to block potential exploitation of the contactless features of your cards.

Despite the convenience of paying with your phone, there’s an undeniable elegance to flipping open a gold-tone card holder.

See our range of wallets and card holders


A watch is standard equipment for a man. Used for decorative and expressive purposes, a watch says a lot about your personality, your ambitions, and how you view yourself. Telling time is arguably a watch’s least important function. Any watch can do that. But what type of watch you choose to strap onto your wrist speaks volumes about you.

Every part of your being is a canvas for expression. Fill it with you.

See our range of watches


What are the top 10 essential men's accessories?

We don’t all like dressing up or blinging ourselves out every day, but there’s a bare minimum of effort we all have to make on certain occasions. From the mournful to the joyful, etiquette dictates that each of us be armed with these 10 essential accessories for when they’re needed.

A Tie

Being the only guy without a tie at a family member’s wedding stinks of disrespect. So does not showing up at all. You really have no choice but to have at least one tie that fits your suit tucked away for emergencies. But you’ll probably want to have multiple color and pattern options to have options when you know the theme. A bright-pink tie would probably look out of place at a funeral.

Tie clip

Ties are notorious for having minds of their own, and they seem to be determined to sit anywhere other than front and center. A tie clip pins it in place and forces compliance. These can be flashy and complex or simple and clean, engraved or no – it’s up to you.


A necklace is arguably the strongest purely expressive element in your accessory game. Your chest is a canvas and whatever statement you choose to put there has all of you as its frame. Make sure it’s telling your story.

A necklace doesn’t just add eye-catching detail to the front of your chest, it can complement your jawline and the neckline of your shirt. A simple chain will always lie in a ‘U’ shape, but a pendant necklace creates a ‘V’. The longer the chain, the sharper the corner gets. When layering necklaces, try to go for complementary colors and varying lengths and textures so they don’t overlap and look cluttered.


Most of us – if not all of us – wear pants at least some of the time. If your pants aren’t perfectly tailored to fit your shape, you’ll want either suspenders or a belt to keep those things from causing an ‘indecent exposure’ incident. Suspenders are more of a stylistic choice these days, but a belt is essential everyday wear to avoid wardrobe malfunctions and exposed cracks.


A bracelet adds a touch of your character to your wrist. Your wrist is one of the most expressive parts of your body (most of us use hand gestures as we talk) and having it say nothing speaks volumes. You’ll want to make sure your bracelet complements your watch and other accessories and that it’s saying what you want it to say.

Messenger bag

Few bags have the versatility of messenger bags or their convenience. Most of us have to lug around a laptop, phone, wallet, etc., as we go about our day, and a messenger bag offers the perfect amount of storage for most men. A backpack is bigger and its weight is more evenly distributed, but they’re also more cumbersome to put on and all your stuff is jammed into one big compartment, forcing you to rummage around for what you seek. For most day-to-day activities, a well-organized messenger bag is the solution.


Most men will only wear one ring in their lives. The one that rules them all? No. The one that means they're off the market. But that leaves nine digits for pure expression. Be it a signet ring with your favorite gemstone, a unique Damascus steel ring, or a simple band with a personalized engraving – the options are endless.


Any watch can tell you what time it is, but only a watch that speaks to you can speak for you. A watch says so much about the wearer – how they see themselves and how they want to be seen. A functional diver’s watch shouts adventure while a thin dress watch whispers elegance. A skeleton watch points to a curious soul, while a moon phase watch indicates one in touch with their third eye. Yours should say what you mean by them.


Do you have cards and occasionally carry around pieces of paper or small metal discs of monetary value? If you said yes to all three and sometimes carry more than one of each, you’ll need a wallet. Sure, you can get one of those phone cases that double as a wallet, but how many cards can you squeeze into that before it gets crowded? And do you really want to flip open your phone to get your card, revealing your Tinder notifications to the cute cashier? Didn’t think so. Get a wallet.


Squinting gives you wrinkles. In fact, all direct sunlight gives you wrinkles, but they get more pronounced around your eyes since you squint a lot in strong sunlight. Everyone needs a pair of sunglasses to shield their eyes in the summer, but there are frames that fit you well and frames that don’t. You probably already know which is which. There are also questions like polarised or not? With or without blue-light filtering? Photochromic lenses?

Top 5 Men’s Accessory Trends of 2022

Pendant earrings

Described as absolutely pointless and therefore brilliant, we respectfully disagree. Any form of expression is, by definition, not pointless. Hoops allow you to hang expressive charms from them, changing them out based on your mood. Combining colors, shapes, and charms… there’s no end to what you can say with a set of charms.

Blue-light-blocking glasses

We’ve all been spending more and more time in front of the computer of late, and it doesn’t look like that’s going to change any time soon. If you’ve noticed that your eyes get strained after a few hours at work, you might be exposing your eyes to too much blue light. Blue-light-blocking glasses are a great way to rest your eyes while remaining productive in the digital age. They’ll also make you look super smart through zoom.

Damascus Rings

Damascus steel is formed by folding two types of steel on top of each other, which creates a distinct wood-like pattern when the steel is cut. Rings made of Damascus steel are unique, as the pattern on each is different by definition. Damascus rings and those featuring natural stones are unique - 100% yours.

Pearl jewelry

Until the late 19th century, pearls were prohibitively expensive for all but the richest of kings who wore them proud as a display of wealth. The booming 20s is when the West started regarding them as ‘women’s jewelry.’ Lately, though, more and more high-profile men are joining the effort to reclaim their pearls. Will you join them?

Layering Necklaces

Wearing multiple necklaces in complementary colors and varying lengths creates a visual feast on your chest. But take care that the feast doesn’t turn into a riot. A combination of pendants and chains may tell your story more vividly than a single piece can, but too many mixed messages are a recipe for confusion.

Luxury men’s accessories

What make’s an accessory luxurious? If a world-renowned Parisian fashion house releases a ‘cheap’ bracelet made of lackluster materials, is it still a luxury bracelet? What if a mass-production company makes one using the best materials, designed by the hottest designers, and based on years of research into surface comfort and fit? Is that more or less luxurious than the first example? What if they’re the same price? Does that matter?

We aim to cater to every type of man, so while most of our accessories are affordable, we always aim to maximize the bang for your buck. Below are a few of our high-end products where no expense was spared to give you the best of the best.

Unique men's accessories

No one likes the word ‘normal.’ No one likes the word ‘weird’ either. But ‘unique’ is what most of us strive for. To be noticeably different from the pack in a positive way. To stand out and be noticed but not stick out and be excluded.

These are some of the pieces of jewelry we’ve designed for just that purpose. To be interesting, different, and stunning. In short: to be unique.

Statement accessories

Some accessories are just meant to add a flair of style to your look. To add a reflective glare to your neckline, a splash of color around your waist, or a texture to your wrist. Then there are accessories that don’t just whisper your character to the world but scream it through a bullhorn from a mountaintop, hoping to cause an avalanche of reactions.

Below are some of our strongest statement pieces, designed to say something in the least subtle way possible.

Affordable men's accessories

Less is often more. Sometimes, you just want to decorate your body with something that didn’t cost two arms and a kidney. Affordable quality is what we strive for with all of our products, but below are some excellent, simple, and above all inexpensive options.

If you want something higher-end at low-end prices, check out our Outlet page.

Colored accessories

Accessories that complement your outfit enhance the message it’s broadcasting, but bold colors that sharply contrast with it catch the eye and capture attention, carrying a story that’s completely their own.

Below are accessories that will leave a vivid impression.

Accessories for Older Men

There are no old men – only mature gentlemen. Our tastes evolve with us, and while most men move toward more minimalistic designs, higher quality, and greater comfort in their twilight years, some take a complete U-turn and sprint the other way. Another thing that tends to happen as we mature - we stop caring as much about what others think of us and develop a style that’s very individual. We become more ourselves.

We have accessories for all ages, but below are some that cater to the former type of gentleman - minimalistic, high quality, and comfortable.

Men's travel accessories

“To travel is to live,” said our national treasure, Hans Christian Andersen. In his day, getting anywhere took a long time and the only appropriate travel accessories were clothes for every climate and a large wooden trunk. Today, we can go city hopping with only the clothes on our backs and a small backpack.

We have travel accessories for everything from day trips to far-reaching journeys; urban pub crawls to rural hikes. Check them out below.

Personalized accessories

We’re strong believers in the power of accessories to tell stories. But nothing tells a more personal story than personalized accessories. Whether it be a loved one’s name or your personal philosophy, engraving makes the piece yours and yours alone.

Below are some of our best-selling engravable products, waiting for your personal touch.

Wedding accessories for the groom

How to accessorize as a groom is a question that has gotten many a man into trouble. The main rules are: complement your partner’s outfit and don’t outshine them. You’ll want to stand out, not stick out. For a more in-depth guide about accessorizing on your wedding day, check out our in-depth guide to accessories for grooms.

Attending someone else’s wedding? Don’t choose your outfit without reading our ultimate guide to accessories for wedding guests.

Top men's accessories

What are the best men’s accessories? The answer to that question depends entirely on you. Some things are simply standard – every man must have a watch, for instance. But what kind of watch is best for you depends on your clothing style, your skin color, your lifestyle, and many other factors. No one knows your story better than you (with the possible exception of your mum), so no one can tell you what’s best for you. And don’t even get us started on the word ‘cool’.

What’s ‘cool’ changes every season. The only constant is that it has something to do with attitude. Other than that, its definition is in constant flux. All we can do is tell you about our top-selling accessories based on what flies off our shelves... but what you do with that information is up to you.

Accessories for suits

The vast majority of us will don a suit at some point in our lives. But, regardless of the type, there are some accessories that are considered standard equipment for one of those. A tie or a bow tie is customary for important occasions, and if you go for the former, you’ll want to pair it with a tie clip so it’s not flapping all over the place. Cufflinks for dress shirt cuffs and pocket squares belong in the category of must-haves, but pocket watches, collar pins, cummerbunds, and collar stays are pro tools that only the best dressed among us know and use. Check out our selection of suit accessories that’ll give any suit that extra pop.

Accessories for your holiday

While your choice of accessories for holiday is in large part determined by the type of holiday, some staples are must-haves regardless of whether you’re having a weekend city-hopping trip or a long, relaxing beach holiday.

For one thing, regardless of the destination and the length of your pants, you’ll need to keep them up. A canvas belt is the perfect companion on holiday, not least because it gives way as you inevitably expand from sloth and overeating delicious local food.

Another must-have companion is a backpack. Whether it’s your phone, a map of the city, or all the mementos you’re carrying around, you’ll need a sturdy, stylish companion on your excursion. Wherever you go and whatever you do there, a quality toiletry bag is always a good idea.

Check out some of our favorite holiday accessories below.

Accessories for the beach

The beach is sandy, sunny, and scorching. What you’ll want to wear is protective clothing from head to toe. But if radiation scarring (a tan) is what you’re after, you’ll at least have to protect your eyes as you bask in the sun.

Sunglasses are a must-have for any beachgoer. They not only protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful rays but prevent wrinkles from forming. If your ears burn easily, you may want to consider a bucket hat.

You’ll definitely need a backpack or duffle bag for all your stuff and a toiletry bag for the sunscreen, lotion, and fire-retardant afterburn. And last but not least, a waterproof watch. Check out some of our best-selling beach-ready accessories here.

You asked, we answered

What are good accessories for guys?

Like so many things in life, that depends on the guy. The basics every guy should have are a watch, a wallet, and a leather belt. Beyond that are necklaces, rings, bracelets, and a messenger bag.

How many accessories should men wear?

As many as you feel comfortable wearing. It’s your story.

How do you accessorize a guy?

You take his skin tone and clothing style as a point of departure and work from there. Get accessories that complement his skin tone (gold for warm, silver for cold, black for everyone), and do your best not to clash with his clothing style when it comes to shapes and sizes. Just remember - contrast is good, clashing is not. When you’ve gotten the basics down, you start experimenting. Different colors, layering, stacking, multiple rings, etc., are all fun things you can try to enhance your style and make it your own.

Why are men's accessories important?

When archaeologists dig up the remains of Viking houses and graves, accessories are often the only indication about who those people were. They’re the most lasting expression of our identity, telling our story long after those who knew us are gone.

Accessories draw attention to specific areas or features of your body and style, helping you better direct the viewer’s gaze. This way, you can bring out your good sides and draw attention away from any perceived faults. You’re the director guiding the cameraman’s hand. Accessories are a form of expression. They broadcast your identity to the world, help you feel at ease, feel like yourself, knowing that your true self is on display. Accessories give confidence.

How do I match accessories

The first thing you’ll want to do is coordinate your color scheme. There’s no point in trying to match accessories if your styles are all over the place. Try to wear a similar number of pieces and of the same type. If the other party is wearing a single necklace, a watch, and an earring, showing up looking like a Christmas tree isn’t ‘matching,’ no matter how much time you spent on getting the colors right. For a deeper dive into matching accessories, check out our 7 rules for matching men’s accessories.